Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Colton 4 months

Where does the time go? I feel like life is so fast now days, I am afraid that if I blink I will miss it. Colton now weighs 10lbs. 11oz. CRAZY! He has officially grown out of all his new born clothes and I packed them up today. Some of Coltons favorite things are: singing along with me, rolling over, his big boy bed, exersaucer, being rocked to sleep, bike rides with Dad, being outside, watching his cousins and reading books. 


Happy Valentines

 His Valentines for his friends

Colton 3 months

I REALLY REALLY REALLY can't believe that my baby is 3 months old! Colton now weighs 9 pounds 13 ounces...WHAT? How and when did that happen? What happened to my little 4 pound baby? I am extremely grateful that he is healthy and strong but I am not going to lie, I miss him being little.