Friday, August 6, 2010

Diamond Mountain

We spent the past weekend at my Dad's cabin on Diamond Mountain, it was a short trip but we had a great time!
We rode the four wheelers over to the Green River
Group picture (minus Tasha, Maya, Kira and Kelsie)
Jamon caught this snake...gross!
My six year old nieces convinced me to hold the snake...this is how I felt about it
The boy's....
...trying to find some of these
My Dad gave the girls snakes to play with
Going for a hike
Dan shooting his gun
My Dad taught the girls how to ride his small four wheeler, they were having the time of their lifes.
There is always lot's of wildlife on Diamond Mountain, this baby deer couldn't get over the fence, we watched him for about 10 minutes and felt so bad. Dan was about to catch him and lift him over when he finally jumped and made it, I hope he found his mom!

Found this cute birds nest on our aunt's cabin that is still being built
We can always count on Brant to do something stupid......he brought his remote control airplane and was flying it over the cows, the cows started to get pissed at the airplane, then Brant crashed it, the cows all ran towards it ready to stomp it. I have never seen Brant jump a fence and run down a hill so fast trying to save his airplane. We later hooked a video camera to the plane and flew by the cows again, I will have to get the videos from Brant.


Cindy said...

Cute pictures Jan! You're such a good photographer! Sounds like you guys had a blast, besides no canoeing in a canoe with holes in it but you can't really do that without me! ;) I can't believe Jada and Kae are braver than you! Scratch that (remember saying that all the time!), I can. Love ya Lou!

Draper's said...

So fun!! Love all of your pics!!

Bellblogging said...

Great pictures! That was fun and relaxing. Love the yellowstone post too!