Wednesday, January 11, 2012


 I am so grateful for Colton and love him more then anything but to be completely honest I didn't like one thing about being pregnant, mostly because I was so sick and threw up every day/all day for 7 months. 
A few facts about my pregnancy:
*Had to quit my job when I was 6 weeks pregnant because I was so sick
*My sweet neighbor was a lifesaver and would come do my dishes because they made me so sick
*My AMAZING husband was so supportive and took such good care of me
*My Zofran didn't seem to help
*I loved the smell chalk and wood
*I retained incredible amounts of water
*I probably put on make up/did my hair a grand total of 5 times in 7 months
*I went to bed every night at 8pm, sometimes I would try to go to bed at 7pm and Dan would make me stay up till 8pm
*Smells were so awful, one of the worst smells was our new carpet
*I had a huge fear of throwing up before I got pregnant, now I would consider myself a pro but I still hate it
*We were told Colton was a girl, 2 weeks later we found out he was a boy
*My favorite food was McDonalds french fries, I ate them at least once a day...I haven't had them since
*The first thing I would consider before eating something was how it would come back up
*I kept our house at 62 degrees, poor Dan was always freezing

30 Weeks!

My last picture pregnant, I delivered 2 weeks later at 32 weeks.


Whitney said...

You look super cute in that picture and definitely not that far along ha ha

The Baker said...

I loved reading this, it made me laugh, mostly because it was all so true!! I can't count the number of times I would look over to see your windows open when it was freezing outside and I'd think...what is she doing?! I am so glad he is here and doing so well. So glad you feel better too.